Mockett at NeoCon - Levity - PCS55

Описание к видео Mockett at NeoCon - Levity - PCS55

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Doug Mockett:
Hi, my name is Doug Mockett from Doug Mockett & Company and I'm here at the NeoCon show in the Merchandise Mart in Chicago and it's June 14, 2011.
And, we are proud to introduce a task light called Levity.

And Levity is over here. As you can see, it's a small profile. And you lift it up, just a little; and it raises by itself, turns on by itself, has electrical outlets to plug in whatever you'd like. And then you can raise it up to it's full height of 20 inches.

Move it around as you wish. Turn the light as you wish. Goes off. It's LED lighting. It'll last 17 years. Turn it back on. And then turn it back down and it closes.

That's Levity. Absolutely fabulous. Collaboration between Peter Stathis as designer, Byrne electric as a manufacturer and Doug Mockett & Company as the distributor.

It's a brilliant idea. It's had rave reviews here. I think it's going to be a real hit.

Denise Butchko :
It looks very cool, Doug. Thank you! We are excited to see it work!

LEVITY is a new, 21st century approach to task lighting, combining flexible, directed lighting with power options. Its slim design is just 8 7/8" long by 2 3/8" wide. At just 1/2" tall it retracts almost completely flush into table or work surface. Just pull up on the cap and it rises automatically to 4 ½" and turns on its two LED lights. Then pull LEVITY up to its full height of 20", or anywhere in between, and rotate LEVITY to where the light is needed -- right, left, front, back -- wherever you need light LEVITY can go!

When done either touch the lamp to turn off, or push the cap down to stow; lights go off by themselves. Using modern LED technology, LEVITY consumes far less electricity while having an equally bright output.

Thank you to Denise Butchko for making this video.

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