The Power of Costume Design in Mad Men (seasons 1 & 2)

Описание к видео The Power of Costume Design in Mad Men (seasons 1 & 2)

hi! In this in-depth fashion analysis, we are diving into the captivating world of Mad Men and exploring the iconic costumes that shaped the characters' emotional journeys. From Betty Draper's audition dress and her heart-wrenching Sad Clown Dress to Peggy Olson's 50s pink plaid dress, we are decoding the hidden meanings behind those iconic looks. We are also looking into Peggy's
style evolution as she transforms from a naive secretary to a confident copywriter and discovering how costume design serves as a powerful storytelling tool in the context of 1960s America. Enjoy xx

00:00 intro
00:49 Betty Draper's Audition Dress
04:08 The Sad Clown Dress
08:00 The Evolution of Peggy Olson's Style
09:59 Peggy Olson's Pink Plaid Dress

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📚 source:
  / costumedesignerjaniebryant  
Helen Warner, Fashion on Television: Identity and Celebrity Culture (London: Bloomsbury, 2014)


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