Thessa | Duality | Full Album

Описание к видео Thessa | Duality | Full Album

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I’m very pleased to announce that my new album"Duality" is Finally OUT !!!

This new record splits in two main parts, the first part focuses on Modern Progressive Metal/Ambiant Metal as you can hear on most of the recent Thessa albums. For the first time in years the second part of this album focuses mostly on Post-Rock/Ambiant like you will find on old school Thessa releases. I am very happy to be able to release again new songs in this writing style as it as been missing from my music for many years, I really you guys will like it, it has been requested a lot.

This album is the result of my work in the past 5 years, most of the songs were demoed before I moved to Germany, this is why it took me so long to finish, I’m sure for the guys writing music here you can relate on how hard it is to finish a song after you did not touch it for months/years, especially after a huge life change. But in the end I’m very happy with how it turned out, much better than I expected, there’re still many things that could have been better but I don’t care in the end, the album is finished and out and that’s all that matters.

It’s still for me crazy to imagine that I started having the idea of creating a project for all my songs called Thessa right at the beginning of high school, and that I’m now 26 years old and still working on it. I think this will be the last big album for Thessa, I want in the future to focus on shorter releases like EPs as it will be much more compatible with the “adult life schedule”.

Also I’m sure lots of you will recognize the song “Lucid” which is the first song of part II, it’s a re-recorded, remixed and re-mastered version of the ending of the song “Lucid” that I made for Scarlet Dress back in 2013. I really loved this part and I thought it really needed to re-recorded. The coolest part is that it fits perfectly as a transition between the two parts of this album.
Part III is composed of 3 songs, a version of “When You Hear Me Now” with vocals, an acoustic Demo I wrote as alternative version for this song and then the final song is a deep dreamy soundscape track.

I’d like to thank my friends Guillaume, Ryan and Nico for helping me on the song “When You Hear Me Now”.

Guest guitar solo on "When You Hear me Now" by Guillaume Chenin (

Guest vocals on "When You Hear me Now" by Ryan Mitchell (   / ralfal01  )

Guest MIDI drums on "When You Hear me Now" by Nico Panchout.


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