3 Unlikely Ways to Shut Down a Passive-Aggressive Conversation

Описание к видео 3 Unlikely Ways to Shut Down a Passive-Aggressive Conversation

Stop playing these shady, passive-aggressive games! Right? It's not that easy.In this episode, you'll hear three better ways for you to bring clarity to a conversation that is going down that shady, #passiveaggressive path.

- Passive-aggressive words and behaviors are sneaky ways of trying to exert power over you.
- Why when one person stops playing the passive-aggressive game, the game has to end.
- Why you need to speak up
- How to speak up

If you have a relationship with someone--a friend, parent, sibling, partner, co-worker--whose weapon of choice is a passive-aggressive remark or behavior, you know just what I'm talking about in today's episode. Their comment hits you and, at first, it almost sounds logical, and maybe even justified. But, then you realize that you're confused and strangely annoyed...and, it all happened in a split second.

Passive-aggressive strike!

What a passive-aggressive person says is not neutral. It's charged with underlying anger, often in the form of resentment or entitlement that the speaker may not even recognize or admit to. That anger is often hidden in the way the words are delivered. Sometimes, it's served up while the person looks you straight in the eyes, defying you to make a fuss.

Is this at all familiar?

Then, these three ways to respond that can slowly put an end to either the passive-aggressive behavior, or to them thinking they are ever going to get away with it, will help you.

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* * Always remember, narcissists and other toxic people come in all genders and ages * *
and toxic relationships can be at home, at work, at play... from your parent, boss, spouse, sibling, friend, co-worker.


I am Dr. Rhoberta Shaler, The Relationship Help Doctor.

I offer relationship advice for dealing with difficult issues and relentlessly difficult people.

I focus on helping my clients to stop tolerating abuse, and give them strategies for changing relationship dynamics.

Are you in relationship with a Hijackal®? Someone who consistently behaves in ways that undermine you, put you down, make you crazy? I can help you understand that behavior and how to keep yourself safe and sane.

I work with individuals, couples, families and workplaces, worldwide, through private, secure video conferencing.

Schedule an initial 1-hour consultation HERE for only $97.

I hope this empowers you to make positive changes NOW.

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