BayOConnect 2024 - Forum for Biotech & LifeScience

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Bavaria shows the great potential of AI and data in medicine: High potential for Germany's health

- Biotechnology conference "BayOConnect" in Munich unites players from all areas of Bavarian and international biotechnology.
- With around 320 participants, 250 partnering meetings, 15 start-up pitches, 20 exhibitors and over 30 sponsors and partners, BioM successfully promotes networking in the industry.
- AI and data have a significant influence on the creation and transformation of new medicine in Germany.
- Big players as Roche, Google, Amazon and Nvidia, hidden champions and start-ups show developments and applications of AI and big data for a new medicine.
- CMD Health wins the BayOConnect Start-up Award sponsored by Amazon Web Services.
- BioM presents the Biotech Report "Biotech in Bavaria 2023/24" with current developments and trends in the Bavarian biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry in figures as well as success stories from science and entrepreneurship in Bavaria.

Around 320 players from the Bavarian, German and international biotechnology sector attended the first biotechnology conference "BayOConnect - Forum for Biotech & LifeScience" in Munich, organized by the biotech cluster development organization BioM. On July 2 and 3, big players, SMEs, start-ups, academia, pharma, politics and investors came together to connect. The industry demonstrated the great innovation potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and data in medicine with concrete applications in practice. Start-ups presented new ideas on innovative therapies for cancer, hair loss and chronic lung diseases, among others. In addition, BioM presented its latest biotech report with current figures from the Bavarian biopharmaceutical industry.

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It takes around 13 years from the idea to the approval of a drug. Artificial intelligence and data can significantly speed up the development of drugs and make it more efficient, thereby improving the chances of survival for patients. What basics and framework conditions therefore need to be established for AI and the use of data? Where does AI have the greatest benefit for our health? And how can innovative start-ups secure funding for the development of their innovations? What do investors expect here?

These questions were discussed in the two sections "Connect to Investments" and "Connect to AI" at the biotech conference "BayOConnect 2024" initiated by BioM. Around 320 high-ranking participants from leading companies such as Roche, Google, Amazon and Nvidia as well as from politics, academia, investment and numerous start-ups and SMEs exchanged ideas. The aim was to "connect" and learn from each other in order to advance new ideas and projects, whether through cooperation or early investments. More:

#BayOConnect #BioM #AI #Roche #Google #Amazon #Nvidia #biotech #medicine #healthcare #bavaria


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