Liminal and Dynamics Cynefin Framework Practise: Recording - By Donna

Описание к видео Liminal and Dynamics Cynefin Framework Practise: Recording - By Donna

The #Cynefin Framework tends to be used in the main to categorise situations within the four main domains (and for more advanced use, all five). This is the liminal version of the Cynefin Framework. Liminality is a key concept in anthropology. Moving around the domains is called Cynefin Dynamics

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How do we deal with exceptions or deviance from the norm?

In the obvious domain there is little excuse for deviance. In the UK we should drive on the left-hand side of the road, in Germany on the right. But if a child runs onto the road in front of us, then I would make an exception. Not allowing any variation results in a ‘jobs worth’ mentality that sooner or later ends up on the edge of chaos and a catastrophic failure.

For the complicated domain exceptions are more likely, experts with the right qualifications know that few rules or processes are universal and mandating behaviour based on analysis in the centre of a normal distribution missed the fat tails that are more likely in practice. Here exceptions should allow if they are transparent, ie they can be subject to some type of review and the decision maker knows they can be held accountable. Falling back to the rule compliance to avoid blame is all to frequent these days and that will result in a shift to the inauthentic aspect of disorder. Both of the ordered domains can be handled by process and shouldn’t involve senior decision-makers on a day-to-day basis.

In the complex domain by contrast every exception needs to be visible fast at a senior level as they may represent opportunities. I sometimes term this finding the 17% which is a reference to inattentional blindness; we need minorities who are seeing things differently before they are homogenised into groupthink. Something that MassSense was designed to handle on a near real-time basis by shifting to the liminal aspect of the chaotic domain.

Finally, in the chaotic domain itself where we are in crisis, exceptions are also important either to kill off fast or to extemporise solutions as they become visible. Again the need for real-time feedback and cognitively diverse situational assessment is key. We will be launching something to measure cognitive diversity in the near future by the way.

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