Insurgency Sandstorm | Going Undercover

Описание к видео Insurgency Sandstorm | Going Undercover

Ever want to play both teams at once? Well, you can! Dress up as security on insurgent, and insurgent on security! Use these to bamboozle any enemy!
Play both teams at once, or choose which team to help.

I use the following loadouts for my hiding, but you can change these how you see fit...

Kajit Character slicked back hair
Half Mask Face-wear, Dark Brown
Bad Day Top, Grey
PMC Bottoms, Olive Drab
Standard Issue Boots

Short Hair Character Model
Combat Glasses, Black
Short Sleeve Polo, Grey
Cargo Lower, Sand

Thank you for everyone who helped and those who unknowingly helped!

Had to reupload... was missing half the video.


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