TWINTHROTTLE V6 , SideHustleGarage Feature No.19

Описание к видео TWINTHROTTLE V6 , SideHustleGarage Feature No.19

Huge Shoutout to buta Shafih Rawat and Ammaar Rawat.
PLZ go Check out their Page DipCoat SA or Contact them on 082 513 3733 .
Alotta extra work went into THIS here video Concerning the Ambience and Sound effects all thanx to our post editing Manger Naseem Lillah and Noer Thelight Davids was pouncing around like a malletjie to get the best Angle.\

Guys ,aloooootta work goes into making these Videos and a LIKE+SUBSCRIBE goes a LONNNNNG way .
Appreciate the Love and Support .
COULD NOT have done it WITHOUT YOU guys!
Sidehustlegarage saloooots THEE



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