CHEAP vs. EXPENSIVE Foil Glue Gels | Nail Foil Tutorial | iGel, Makartt, & Daily Charme

Описание к видео CHEAP vs. EXPENSIVE Foil Glue Gels | Nail Foil Tutorial | iGel, Makartt, & Daily Charme

Foils can be a pain in the rear, but never fear, Jen is here! Today I'll put three foil gels head to head to determine which is the best for getting you that flawless foil transfer.
I have with me a bottle of iGel Beauty's Foil Transfer Gel, Makartt's Foil Gel Glue, and Daily Charme's Foil Transfer Gel. Is it really worth it to pay $25, or can you save some coin and go for the cheaper option? Let's find out.

iGel Foil Gel:

Daily Charme Foil Gel:

Makartt Foil Gel:


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