1,5 hours of Ancient Norse Inspired Viking Music by Fljúga Hrafna (Hardrada/Draumar Forna Tima)

Описание к видео 1,5 hours of Ancient Norse Inspired Viking Music by Fljúga Hrafna (Hardrada/Draumar Forna Tima)

For ease of listening, all material from album "Hardrada" and upcoming album "Draumar FornaTima".
The CD "Hardrada" is available for purchase through links You can find lower in description, but "Draumar Forna Tima" is set for released later this year. Maybe on end of summer. This time official release will be done on various streaming platforms first and only ten on physical copies.

On this video I mixed songs in random sequence, to make listening just a little bit more fun. When I'm settled on CD design I will make separate one with songs just from "Draumar Forna Tima" if You want to listen only for them.

0.00 - Fljúga Hrafna - Wyrd bið ful aræd
4.24 - Fljúga Hrafna - Væringjar
9.11 - Fljúga Hrafna - Sigurðarson
13.00 - Fljúga Hrafna - Endurkoma Konungs
17.13 - Fljúga Hrafna - Dimmir tímar
22.57 - Fljúga Hrafna - Langa Stríð Lífsins
27.40 - Fljúga Hrafna - Kaartit
31.45 - Fljúga Hrafna - Elisiv
35.31 - Fljúga Hrafna - Kúrir (Kurši)
40.21 - Fljúga Hrafna - Midjasumaraz
43.27 - Fljúga Hrafna - Nær eir vaknar
48.51 - Fljúga Hrafna - Stríðið á Stamford Brú
54.43 - Fljúga Hrafna - Samkoma Hrafna
59.51 - Fljúga Hrafna - Varúlfur
1.04.07 - Fljúga Hrafna - Miklagard
1.09.54 - Fljúga Hrafna - Stiklarstaðir
1.12.55 - Fljúga Hrafna - Bróðir Bjǫrn
1.17.57 - Fljúga Hrafna - Síðasti Víðarkóngurinn
1.22.38 - Fljúga Hrafna - Sǫngr Tóma Hjartans
1.26.21 - Fljúga Hrafna - Midnatts Blot

The music will always stay available for listening on YouTube (but note that music for CD will be slightly remastered).

You can purchase CD Fljúga Hrafna - "Hardrada" in my Etsy store:

You can purchase second CD of Fljúga Hrafna - "Draumar Forna Tíma" in my Etsy store:

Available on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2GUx0j...

Also available on Apple Music and iTunes: https://music.apple.com/us/album/hard...

Special links for my "Mortal Kombat Theme" cover version - https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/flj...

Please support me also by liking my Facebook page where more info about project is available:   / flj%c3%baga-hrafna-109052947485279  

Please note - on this channel is only original content composed and made by me. If You want to get my permission to use my music, please contact me first.

If You're feeling generous in this uncertain times, donations to PayPal ([email protected]) are welcomed and any income will be used to upgrade equipment.


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