2023 寵物鮮食 | ㊙️蔬菜與雞肉的完美比例 ft.肉肉吐司 | 趣味定格動畫

Описание к видео 2023 寵物鮮食 | ㊙️蔬菜與雞肉的完美比例 ft.肉肉吐司 | 趣味定格動畫

#寵物鮮食 #定格動畫 #Stop motion cooking #All-natural pet fresh food

兩隻博美 | ♀Chumi 六歲甜美公主 | ♂Kimi 三歲頑皮臭男森

誰說 健康美味 跟 精緻可口 不能畫上等號

#定格動畫 | 只是排了702張照片,這就是所謂的"定格動畫"
#寵物鮮食 | 除了親手製作講求健康,美美的儀式感也是不能少🥰


🔺準備食材:生雞胸肉250g、熟花椰菜碎30 g

◾烤箱預熱180 °C

🔠Recipe in English version Step by Step

◾Prepare chicken breast 250g and cauliflower 30g
◾Divide 1/3 of the chicken breast into another bowl
◾Boiling cauliflower for 3-5 minutes and mashed
◾Smashed all the chicken breasts as well
◾A large bowl of chicken breast mixed with crushed cauliflower into puree
◾Fill the cauliflower chicken puree into the mold
(Remember to press as tightly as possible)
◾Fill the small bowl of chicken mash into the mold again
◾Preheat the oven to 180 °C
◾Put some water on the baking tray and start baking for 30 minutes

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#寵物鮮食 #毛小孩 #狗狗 # 博美 #Pomeranian #puppy #狗狗 #儀式感 #寵物儀式感 #萌寵 #狗狗鮮食 #寵物料理 #寵物食譜 #自製鮮食 #在家動手做 #鮮食diy #鮮食製作教學 #做法 #食譜 #雞胸肉 #雞胸 #花椰菜 #雞肉泥 #花椰菜雞肉泥 #肉肉吐司#無麩質飲食 #無麩質 #烤箱 #All-natural pet fresh food #All-natural healthy food #Home cooking #Recipe #Recipe step by step #Pet recipe #定格動畫 #stop motion #stopmotion #stopmotioncooking #Stop motion cooking #stop motion video #homemade #chicken brast #cauliflower


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