Kickboxer: Retaliation Official Trailer

Описание к видео Kickboxer: Retaliation Official Trailer

In Shaw Theatres 1 February 2018 (Thurs) - Remembering Kurt Sloan’s battle against Tong Po to avenge his brother’s death in Kickboxer:Vengeance, we now witness Kurt battling the World Champion. Victoriously, Kurt heads back to the locker room and is met by US marshals charging him with the wrongful death of Po but they sedate Kurt and he wakes up in the Bang Kwang prison in Bangkok.

Kurt meets his abductors and refuses when told he must fight against, new foe, Mongkut to make up for the prize loses of Po or face life behind bars. Liu, Kurt's wife, tracks him down, is kidnapped once arrives, thus convincing Kurt to accept the fight. He is trained by his previous mentor, Master Durand.

During a day release, Kurt and Durand are taunted by Mongkut and his entourage at a bar. Kurt notices tattoos on the bar fighters; learning many of the men are prisoners sent out to prize fight, Kurt now has an edge by having the prisoners to train with.

Kurt faces Mongkut in an epic battle, ultimately winning and leaves Thailand with his wife.


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