Fixing My Air Compressor Using my Coiled Hose Line to Replace the blown Main air Line

Описание к видео Fixing My Air Compressor Using my Coiled Hose Line to Replace the blown Main air Line

Measure once, cut 3 times when you have different materials that bend differently. The original hose had a different bend. This needed to be utilized as more of a straight piece than a 90. Without doing so it just would kink which would not work out. I don't like polyurethane hoses, or polyurethane materials. I recommend replacing this instead with phneumatic higher psi nylon. That might be what was on there. But whatever was on there originally became brittle probably from sunlight exposure being stored in a garage that gets ventilated and has at times a lot more moisture. These factors made my compressor experience rust and made this line brittle. Same thing happens to polyethylene hose but a lot more rapidly with clear polyethylene hose becomes terribly brittle probably within a few years time outdoors experiencing the sun exposure. But this is not the case with all polyethylene. Because the irrigation tubing, cresline, rainbird stuff that has proven to be good year after year withstanding the sunlight out in the open sun virtually uneffected.


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