Hush Now - Jimi Hendrix & Curtis Knight - Cover by Vibratory

Описание к видео Hush Now - Jimi Hendrix & Curtis Knight - Cover by Vibratory

Wacky wah wah tune from Jimi with Curtis Knight & The Squires.
Originally recorded with a Crybaby 'top-logo' wah Jimi acquired from Manny's Music store in New York after seeing Frank Zappa use one ( so the story goes). He used it in the PPX Studios for fun jams with his old buddies in July 1967. The jams and dubs were recorded by Ed Chalpin and later released on various releases much to the chagrin of Jimi. Photos show him using the top logo wah in the PPX studio and live at the Whiskey a GO-GO in the same period in Los Angeles. Personally I believe this wah was also used on Burning of the Midnight Lamp studio recordings.

Backing track by Vibratory. Tempo is all over the place but what the hell! Hope you'll enjoy just the same.


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