YOU cannot pour from an empty cup...

Описание к видео YOU cannot pour from an empty cup...

Most of us were taught at a young age to sacrifice our needs for the benefit of others.

We were told it was noble to put others first, especially when it comes to our children, our parents and even our partners; doing otherwise would render us "selfish" or "self-centered."

But what If the truth was quite the opposite?

When we are preoccupied on the needs of others, what happens to our own?

We may think, we can take care of everyone and everything ahead of taking care of ourselves, but in reality, we end up depleted, exhausted and often feel resentment whether we admit it or not.

On the other hand, when we take care of No. 1 first; we step into Thee Ultimate act of self love.

While we remain focused solely on all that is important to us, serving us in the moment, not only does life fully support us from that stance, but as we are freely living first and far most for ourselves, we organically allow others to do the same. Hence the term, "live and let live!"
Have you heard...I've released a FREE eBook as a special gift for the Summer Solstice!

⁠⁠⁠⁠Free E-book: Manifestation Guide!⁠⁠⁠⁠ 

Download your copy today and get going living the life of your Dreams! I'll see you at the Top!

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Thank you for listening!


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