What does food insecurity look like?

Описание к видео What does food insecurity look like?

Join us for a visit to one of our partner kura in Hastings where many children have lived with food insecurity. "I've seen a family of food have to share one sandwich and having to break that up and knowing it's the only meal source they have for that day - it's heartbreaking." - Principal.

Some children where so anxious about food they couldn't learn. Now having access to a hot meal and other food at school every day has completely transformed their students. Having a meal at school is the answer to their daily prayers and attendance has sky rocketed

We’re so grateful for our generous supporters like you who make change like this possible!

Learn more about how our supporters are bringing the basics to Kiwi kids in need every month and how you can join them at www.KidsCan.org.nz


You can’t learn when you’re hungry. All kids deserve an equal start in life. But when you show up to school cold, wet and hungry, the odds are already stacked against you. Sadly, this is reality for 1,000s of Kiwi kids.

KidsCan believes education is a child’s ticket out of poverty. It is how we will break the cycle of hardship, and it is at the core of everything we do. By leveling the playing field, we're giving children whose families are struggling the same opportunity to learn as anyone else. KidsCan.org.nz


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