Patapon 3 - Custom Missions #01: Sky Castle

Описание к видео Patapon 3 - Custom Missions #01: Sky Castle

Here's my second custom mission. I'm still not able to implement new missions instead of overwriting existing files with new stuff, but I'm working on making them work.

This mission wouldn't have been possible without Owocek's packer tool, which is a part of his work in progress project: Patamodder.
Make sure to check him out!

• NOTE: This mission overwrites Forest Wanderers' DLC file. To play it you will need to select the Forest Wanderers mission.

• NOTE 2: In some rare cases some effects won't load in the mission because the amount of effects that can be loaded in mission is limited. This includes hero effects, so playing in multi increases the chance of this happening.

• NOTE 3 (new): The mission only seems to load in the European version of the game (not sure what causes it, I'll try to fix it if its possible).

• NOTE 4 (new): The HP and reactions of the bosses are shared, so when you kill a boss the body parts of the other ones (and in some cases the health) will be affected.

• NOTE5: Custom Firmware is needed to load the DLC in all the official platforms (PSP, PSVita, etc), excepting on emulators (PPSSPP, JPCSP).

• NOTE6: The files do not cause infection/memory corruption.

To install the mission you need to download the file I uploaded, and then unpack it with software like 7z or WinRAR. Inside the packed file, there's a folder that contains the .EDAT DLC file.

That file needs to be moved to the corresponding folder in each device and version of the game. The location of those folders is memstick*/PSP/GAME.

*memstick = Root directory (PSP/PSVita's memory stick, PPSSPP's installation directory).

Inside the game folder, you need to create a folder with the ID of your version of the game and drop all the DLC files there. Here's a list with all the IDs.

• EUR: UCES01421
• USA: UCUS89751
• JAP: NPJG00122
• CN: UCAS40318

• Download:
• Owocek's Channel:    / owocektv  

Thanks to:
• Owocek
• Aluigi
• Shockturtle


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