Aesy Thy Hamary Peer || Hafiz Dr Nisar Ahmed Marfani || Exclusive Video

Описание к видео Aesy Thy Hamary Peer || Hafiz Dr Nisar Ahmed Marfani || Exclusive Video

Aesy Thy Hamary Peer || Hafiz Dr. Nisar Ahmen Marfani || Exclusive Video || ODS Production Naat
This celebrative, mystical #Islamic month of #Rabi ul awal here we present the profound launch of a melodious beautiful, #heart- warming #Latest Naat 2018, tiltled as #“Aesy Thy Hamary Peer” recited by the #Hafiz Dr Nisar Ahmed Marfani, produced by ODS production and #digital distribution by #MobiTising. The Muslims present all over the globe hold deep love for the beloved #Holy Prophet, Hazhrat Muhammad Mustafa, (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) and likes listening to #Naat Shareef. The #Naat Khawan #Hafiz Dr Nisar Ahmed Marfani is appreciated and adored for the valuable contribution that has been made by him. The magnificent, touching voice of leads the Hafiz Dr Nisar Ahmed Marfani listeners to a beautiful #spiritual zone.
The visual of the video is intensely sight grabbing and pleasant. #Artist Hafiz Dr Nisar Ahmed Marfani has immensely contributed and depicted his love for #Holy Prophet, Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa, (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) since several years and this year as well he has marvelously contributed by reciting the #Naat, his voice captivates the hearts of mass audiences with the melodious and soulful vocal sound and video visuals. Listening to this to be #Hit Naat 2017 #“Eid Aai Hai” with influential #Lyric #Ashiqoan ki Eid Aai Hai will not only rejuvenate our devotion towards the Islam but will also sooth and our mind as well.
Once you’ll listen to this pleasant naat “Aesy Thy Hamary Peer”, you would not resist to say MashaAllah.


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