Raakh Leho Hum Te Bigri - Bhai Nirmal Singh Nagpuri

Описание к видео Raakh Leho Hum Te Bigri - Bhai Nirmal Singh Nagpuri

Save me! I have disobeyed You.
I have not practiced humility, righteousness or devotional worship; I am proud and egotistical, and I have taken a crooked path. ||1||Pause||
Believing this body to be immortal, I pampered it, but it is a fragile and perishable vessel.
Forgetting the Lord who formed, fashioned and embellished me, I have become attached to another. ||1||
I am Your thief; I cannot be called holy. I have fallen at Your feet, seeking Your Sanctuary.
Says Kabeer, please listen to this prayer of mine, O Lord; please do not send me sommons of the Messenger of Death. ||2||6||


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