10 Mysterious Animals That Have Rarely Been Seen

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10 Mysterious Animals That Have Rarely Been Seen

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We love animals on this channel if you couldn’t already tell, and its not hard to figure out why since Animals can be so flipping neat! We have animals big and small, scaly or soft, and of course common, and pretty dang rare my friends. This rarity can be contributed to a few factors, which includes living in an elusive environment difficult for humans to navigate, dwindling population due to natural selection and circumstance, or the most popular and sadly most common reason...Human intervention causing habitat and population loss.
Some of these animals are teetering on the edge of extinction, making them pretty difficult for us to witness them in the wild, or even sometimes a zoo. Lets talk about some of these rare animals and see just why theyre such a rarity to see.

With all that said and done, lets begin shall we?

Seneca White Deer.

Thankfully our first entry is rare not due to human issues or overhunting, but mainly for genetic reasons. Seneca deer are quite common, but every so often a white deer will be born to a seemingly normal parent duo. This is due to their being a lack of pigmentation in their body, causing their brown coat to appear snow white. Despite that they still retain their brown eyes. These little guys get special privileges their brown brethren do not get, which includes a protected space at the Seneca Army Depot, where they’re protected on a reserve and free from both natural predators and overzealous hunters who would just love to have a white skinned deer rug in their homes.

The Ti-liger.

I;m sure your familiar with the Liger, the combo of a lion and a tiger. A truly awesome hybrid only found in captivity since the two parents live in completely different areas of the world with zero chance of overlapping naturally. Ligers are awesome and massive, bit for the most part suffer serious health issues from the interbreeding process, and for the most part are completely sterile. However, in a rare case of cat genetics going right, we have the Ti-Liger, one of the rarest animals on the planet as reported by journalists. There is very few in existence, one being in California in a nature reserved. This is the combination of a liger and a tiger, and seems to take more after the liger than the tiger. Unlike the liger, it reportedly doesn’t suffer from as many health issues and may be fertile, possibly indicating this could be a continuing species.

Yangtze Finless Porpoise.

Now we come to an animal whose very rare to human caused problems. The Yangtze river porpoise are native to the Yangtze river, and shared their habitat with a second species of dolphin, the Baiji Dolphin. Due to environmental changes brought on by human development and pollution, the Yangtze porpoise is considered critically endangered, with the Baiji considered completely extinct. These porpoises are considered as intelligent as a gorilla, and are known for being quite clever. Sadly theres been reported to be only over 1000 of them as of 2013, and is only though to have decreased since then, with no solution to repopulation in sight.

Borneo Pygmy Elephant.

The Borneo Pygmy Elephant is known as the gentlest of elephants. Standard cute trunk, cute noises and big ol ears, these guys are the epitome of adorable pachyderms. You’ll fine most elephants have a degree of endangerment tacked onto them at this point, being forced from their habitats or targeted by poachers for their ivory, but the Pygmy elephant is suffering especially, being classified as critically endangered with a population size of about 1500 currently. These little fellas are rare, and it may not be long before we can no longer see them, wild, captive or otherwise.

The Purple Frog.

The Purple frog is a underground dwelling frog native to India, spending pretty much msot of its life under the soil. This species was first formally discovered in 2003, and have been theorized to have evolved independently from other frog species for millions of years. The only time these dusty hoppes come out of the ground is for breeding purposes, and will soon after retreat back to the cool soil. Dispute being discovered in 2003, these guys are classified as endangered due to deforestation, but no exact population numbers are known. This means it might be endangered, it might not. Its difficult to tell really.

The Hooded Grebe.

The Hooded Grebe is a water dwelling bird native to Argentina and Chile. They were discovered in the 1970s, and seem to look like a mix between ducks and swans, with a black and brown splotched head and a streak of white being the main identifier for this rather elegant bird.


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