Dario Di Gregorio - Sounds from stained glass windows

Описание к видео Dario Di Gregorio - Sounds from stained glass windows

Contrariamente a quanto si possa pensare, “Sounds from stained glass windows” non è stata ispirata da vetrate artistiche; tuttavia, la combinazione di idee musicali differenti ha ricordato al compositore l’accostamento di tasselli e colori. In particolare, il meditativo tema centrale, derivato da un tema di Gretchaninov, gli ha dato l’idea di qualcosa di luminoso che modella la luce creando morbide ombre e soffici forme, mentre la rigorosa armonia dell’“Adagio meditativo” centrale era il riflesso delle magnifiche geometrie delle finestre gotiche.

Contrary to what one could expect, “Sounds from stained glass windows” was not inspired by stained glasses, however the combination of different musical ideas reminded the composer of the combination of tesseras and colours. Particularly the meditative central theme, derived from a theme of Gretchaninov, gave him the idea of something bright that can modify the light creating soft shadows and shapes, whereas the rigorous harmony of the central “Adagio meditativo” was the mirror image of the magnificent geometry of the Gothic windows.

Dario Di Gregorio - Sounds from stained glass windows, Quasi una sonata (2021)

-Composer: Dario Di Gregorio
-Performer: Dario Di Gregorio
-Recorded at Parrocchia San Pier Giuliano Eymard, Ragusa

Photo: Northrose window, Notre-Dame de Paris, about 1250; Stained glass from Chartres Cathedral.

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