“Why I Peg” Video For Straight Guys That Want To Date Me (Introduction To The Pan Sexual Woman)

Описание к видео “Why I Peg” Video For Straight Guys That Want To Date Me (Introduction To The Pan Sexual Woman)

This is a video made for me as I online date. It’s a general message to introduce straight men that want to date me and scratch their heads why “Pegging” is an important part of my lifestyle. I am Pan Sexual and my male partner including my husband is bi-sexual. This video is to eliminate all the stupid questions I get and to the men that don’t get why I do it. I also talk about myself a bit, this video is unique compared to how many approaches to online dating.

Time is something you can’t get back and I’ve wasted too much time on men that don’t fit my sexual preferences. If you are truly interested in me you’ll watch the video to get a better idea of who I am. If you like what learn let’s go there. I’m tired of messaging how and why I Peg. If you enter into a relationship with someone not straight and you understand this experience won’t be like your past relationships. Let’s not waste each other’s time, this video is to hopefully weed out the men that have no interest in me or my sexual preferences.


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