二胡 |【菊花台|Chrysanthemum Terrace】在米蘭街頭用二胡鋪敘殘菊之感觴(Cover周杰倫)Chinese Musical Instrument | 胖二胡

Описание к видео 二胡 |【菊花台|Chrysanthemum Terrace】在米蘭街頭用二胡鋪敘殘菊之感觴(Cover周杰倫)Chinese Musical Instrument | 胖二胡

菊花在古代象徵著悲傷與愁苦,在九九重陽節這天, 皇宮裡本該在地上灑滿菊花, 登台望遠。然而最後卻,滿地灑盡殘菊之感觴,花自飄零水自流,生死兩茫茫。

The mood of "Chrysanthemum Terrace" is sad, helpless, indecisive and lonely, expressing the feeling of longing for one's mother.
In ancient times, chrysanthemum symbolizes sadness and sorrow. On the day of the 9th Chrysanthemum Festival, the palace should have sprinkled chrysanthemum flowers on the ground and climbed the platform to look far away. However, in the end, the ground was filled with the remnants of the chrysanthemum feeling goblets, flowers from the floating water flow, life and death two confused.
This song creates a melancholic and euphemistic atmosphere. It compares the chrysanthemum to a tragedy that has gone through a lot of vicissitudes, which is both magnificent and tragic; it draws a contrast between the characters and the scenery, so that the mood of sadness is blended with each other, expressing a poignant mood.


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