Episode 9 of a narrative campaign, where 2 humans and 2 elves team up to face an unknown enemy. Main characters will earn XP and gain talents and/or injuries as they progress through the campaign.
Quest 9: Light the Beacon
Haleth, Faewynn and the High Elves have travelled deep into the lands of the Evil Necromancer. They have travelled fast and silent, but their allies - Galtrin and the Eternal Wardens have no idea where they are. They are also being followed and can hear the howling of wolves at night closer and closer. When they spot an abandoned guard post, they decide to face their followers and also try to reveal their position by lighting a beacon.
On the opposite side of a river, a large Ghoul approaches commanding hordes of zombies as well as dreadful wolves. The High Elves must seek to take out the undead before they get too close!
Special mission objectives: Conserve (Elves), Head Hunter (Undead)
Correction: At 31.00 I mention that special objectives is not yet completed. That's not true. The score on the screen shows the total VP score including special objectives.
++ High Elves [230pts] ++
Faewynn [1] Q3+ D4+ | 85pts | 5XP | Hero, Tough(3), 1x Mage(Wizard(1)), Bitter Rivalry, Herbalist
Spear (A3, AP(1), Phalanx)
Haleth [1] Q4+ D5+ | 70pts | 5XP | Hero, Tough(3), Crazed, Hunter
Hand Weapon (A3), Great Bow (30", A3, AP(1))
Morrigan [1] Q3+ D4+ | 20pts |
Dual Hand Weapons (A2)
Lionet [1] Q3+ D4+ | 15pts |
Great Weapon (A1, AP(2))
Lion Warrior Elwin [1] Q3+ D4+ | 20pts | Fearless, Stealth
Great Axe (A2)
Shadow Sister Meriel [1] Q3+ D5+ | 20pts | Quick Shot
Hand Weapon (A1), Magic Shortbow (18", A1, Rending)
++ Undead Invaders [230pts] ++
Ghoul Leader [1] Q4+ D5+ | 75pts | Hero, Regeneration, Tough(3), Undead, 1x Necromancer(Wizard(1))
Claws (A3, Poison)
Two headed Zombie Wolf [1] Q5+ D5+ | 15pts | Fast, Furious, Scout, Undead
Vicious Bite (A2)
Two-headed Zombie Wolf [1] Q5+ D5+ | 15pts | Fast, Furious, Scout, Undead
Vicious Bite (A2)
3x Zombies [3] Q5+ D6+ | 20pts | Slow, Undead
3x Claws (A2)
Werewolf [1] Q3+ D4+ | 65pts | Scout, Strider, Tough(3), Undead
Vicious Bite (A4)
#Ageoffantasy #Onepagerules #Battlereport
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