Guitarist Chris Blankenship burns at Blue 5 Restaurant on a one-off gig

Описание к видео Guitarist Chris Blankenship burns at Blue 5 Restaurant on a one-off gig

I got out of the house too late last night to catch the My Radio/Scars on 45 show, but fortunately, there was plenty of good stuff going on elsewhere.

On Thursday, drummer Carlos Aranguren got a call to put together something for Blue 5 that night, and he did what he does -- brought out some killer players. With Aranguren were Jordan Harmon (vox/rhythm guitar), Cameron McLaughlin (bass) and Chris Blankenship (guitar).

We've written a good deal about all these guys in Top Tickets past, but this is the first chance I've had to shoot some video of Blankenship, who is a truly talented guitarist. Check out this short clip of him burning up a lead.

Unfortunately, this rookie smart phone video guy was stomping his feet in time with McLaughlin and Aranguren's nasty pocket, so this one is a little shaky. As always, I'll try to do better next time.


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