Frums 「Credits LONG」

Описание к видео Frums 「Credits LONG」

Disclaimer: All copyrights on this song belong to the great artists that made it. I, TeirusuFX, have no ownership over this audio; and I will not be using it to make any profit whatsoever.

The BOFU 2015 train has no breaks. Though this song also got into maimai MiLK as well so there's that.

Here's the original version on Frums' soundcloud:
  / credits  

And here's the minimal MV done of the original version by Frums as well:
   • [BOFU2015] Credits [BGA]  

You can also actually download the album this long version comes from for free here:


Song Name: Credits EX

Artist: Frums


Game the Song Came From: maimai MiLK

Album the Song Came From: Groundbreaking BOFU2015 Compilation Album


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