LOOLKANDURA - First Commercial Tea Estate in Ceylon (Travel Vlog 90)

Описание к видео LOOLKANDURA - First Commercial Tea Estate in Ceylon (Travel Vlog 90)

Loolkandura is the first commercial tea estate established by James Tailor who came from Scotland as a assistant superintendent to the Loolkandura Coffee plantations estate. But after the coffee blight that came they had to stop coffee plantations. Soon after James tailor brought tea seeds from india and cultivate in this Loolkandura division in 19acers. Later he became the first tea exporter in ceylon. And Ceylon 🇱🇰 tea was popularized by him all over the world.

Host - R M S S Bandara
Camera - Malinda Bandara
Editing & Design Works - Viyuka
Technical Support - Nadun Nilantha
Other Support - Mahesh Basnayake
Logo - Athula Wijerathne

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