Step by Step Construction - Stemwall, Cistern & Foundation (Part 2)

Описание к видео Step by Step Construction - Stemwall, Cistern & Foundation (Part 2)

Building Company (Empresa de Construcción): C & J Construcción Caribe
Contractor (Maestro Constructor): Santiago Bonilla Flores (Chago) (809) 502-4648
Civil Engineer (Ingeniero Civil): Junior Francisco de Rosario Martínez (829) 988-2122
Project Manager (Gerente de Proyecto): José Torres (Keko) (829) 276-4492
Liaison (El Enlace): Barry Soloman (809) 453-4580

Welcome back. In this video we share our experiences with everything that’s involved before the foundation is poured. Perhaps some of the most important work takes place below the foundation. After all it would be a shame if anything went wrong that involved breaking it in the future. Join us as we attempt to provide some useful information about the laying of the rebar as well as the importance of spacing it with stones so the rebars end up in the middle of the pour not on the bottom of the pour.

We went with the seamless flexible tubing for our water supply instead of the standard glued tubing. By having no seams it greatly reduces the chance of future leakage due to the tremors felt throughout the region. This video covers the balance of the cistern, the laying of the electrical tubing and the water tubing, in fact everything that takes place before the foundation is actually poured. The video terminates just after the foundation is completed. We’ll continue as time allows. Until next time, Barry in DR.

Hash Tags:
#housingconstruction, #concreteblockconstruction, #dominicanrepublic, #barryindr, #concreteslab, #stemwall, #cistern, #foundation, #rebar, #reinforcingsteelbar, #caliche, #lacing, #woodstakes, #plateas, #cementbags, #cementblocks, #rockwall, #stepbystep, #constructionvideoseries, #Wheelbarrow, #Steelbeams,#rd, #dr, #northcoast, #caribbeanisland, #caribbeanlifestyle, #cabrera, #mariatrinidadsanchez


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