Anzac-class Fast Frigate Helicopter Ship Brief

Описание к видео Anzac-class Fast Frigate Helicopter Ship Brief

HMAS Perth is the featured ship in the Anzac-class Ship Brief. The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) operates Anzac-class frigates, which are known as fast frigates. These frigates are a class of warships designed for multiple roles, including anti-submarine warfare, anti-aircraft warfare, and surface combat. The Anzac-class frigates were built by Tenix Defence Systems (now BAE Systems Australia) in the late 1990s and early 2000s, with the lead ship being HMAS Anzac.

The Anzac-class frigates have a length of approximately 118 meters (387 feet) and a displacement of around 3,600 tons. They are equipped with various sensors and weapon systems, including surface-to-air missiles, anti-ship missiles, torpedoes, and a 76mm naval gun. While they do have a helicopter flight deck and hangar to support embarked helicopters, they are not primarily helicopter ships.

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!
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