Drew Afualo, Can Feminine Rage Save the World? | Soul Boom | Ep 17

Описание к видео Drew Afualo, Can Feminine Rage Save the World? | Soul Boom | Ep 17

TikTok sensation Drew Afualo joins Rainn Wilson to delve into her unique approach to combating misogyny through humor and sarcasm. Drew shares her insights on dealing with online hate, the deep-seated issues of patriarchy, and the toxic culture of hyper-masculinity. They discuss the impact of social media on mental health and the importance of building real-life communities.

Drew’s new book LOUD: Accept Nothing Less Than the Life You Deserve is available now at: https://drew-afualo.com

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In this episode, we discuss:
00:00 Join our Substack!
00:18 Unpacking Patriarchy
01:15 Building a Platform: From Humor to Activism
02:18 Dealing with Internet Trolls
04:42 Going Viral: Viral Videos and Push-back
10:04 Toxic Masculinity: Inside the Red-Pill Culture
14:04 Misogyny & Double Standards: Why "Nice" Isn't the Answer
24:22 Social Media's Double-Edged Sword
46:26 - Daily Spiritual Practices: Finding Spiritual Strength

Executive Produced by:

Executive Produced by: Ford Bowers, Samah Tokmachi
Companion Arts

Production Supervisor: Mike O'Brien
Voicing Change Media

Theme Music by: Marcos Moscat

Channel Branding Artwork and Graphics:
Jack Sjogren
  / sjogrenjack  

Intro Animation by:
Sophie Ansari
  / scribbledbysophie  

Set Design:
Ashley Hasenyager - Designer
Casey Hallenbeck - Set Decorator
Ray Maxwell - Construction Coordinator
Dino Bortoli - General Foreman

This video contains paid advertising.

#SoulBoom #RainnWilson #DrewAfualo #GenderEquality #TikTok #ToxicMasculinity


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