The 2024 4th WIMAYA International Conference - Day 1

Описание к видео The 2024 4th WIMAYA International Conference - Day 1

The 4th WIMAYA Yogyakarta International Conference, hosted by the Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta (UPN “Veteran”), that was held on 29th – 30th November 2024. The event brought together scholars, professionals, and practitioners from across the globe to discuss this year’s theme: " Community – Centric Management: Aligning Organization Goals with Social Needs."

Prominent figures graced the event, including Prof. Dr. M. Irhas Effendi, M.Si, the Rector of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta and Dr. Liem Gai Sin, President of the Association of International Business and Professional Management (AIBPM), their inspiring opening remarks highlighted the significance of international collaboration in driving sustainable development.

This year’s conference features participants from nations as diverse as Indonesia, Malaysia, India, the USA, South Africa, and Kuwait, showcasing a truly global dialogue. A highlight of the morning included a ceremonial exchange of placards and certificates between UPN “Veteran” and AIBPM, marking a symbolic partnership in advancing academic and professional excellence.

The conference will continue with presentations from renowned speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities. The event concludes with the announcement of the Best Presenters.

Event Organizer: AIBPM
Partnership: [email protected]
Publication: [email protected]
Website: #businessconference

#businessconference #internationalconference #onlineconference #webinar #aibpm #internationaljournal #webinaronline #2024ICPM


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