FM21 - The Borcikas Cup - Dodgee Gamer vs EdinburghFM - Second Leg

Описание к видео FM21 - The Borcikas Cup - Dodgee Gamer vs EdinburghFM - Second Leg

Good afternoon everyone.

Thank you for tuning into this second leg of the Borcika Cup between Dodgee Gamer and myself.

Have you missed leg one? Find it here    • FM 21 - Borcika's Cup - Edinburgh FM ...  .

Help us hit the amazing target by donating here

I would also like to thank FM Greeno for inviting me to this wonderful tournament.

FM Greeno Links -

  / fm_greeno  
   / fmgreeno  

Dodgee Gamer -

  / dodgeegamer  
   / dodgeegamer  

My links -

Twitter -   / fm_edinburgh  
Twitch -   / edinburgh_fm  
YouTube -    / edinburghfm  


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