龍が如く4 (Yakuza 4) - Heat Action : Akiyama

Описание к видео 龍が如く4 (Yakuza 4) - Heat Action : Akiyama

龍が如く 4 伝説を継ぐもの (Ryu Ga Gotoku) is poplar title from SEGA.

【 ヒートアクション : 秋山 駿 - Shun Akiyama 】
Requested by Whoaheswims. Finally I finished Akiyama's part. Sorry that it took longer than I thought. I think I recorded everything but it's weird ...it seems that Head Crash (back) has two versions.

I just added Annotations in Japanese, I'll replace them with English one when Yakuza 4 is released. You can also turn the annotations off :)

If the graphic isn't clear, please watch in HD.


Информация по комментариям в разработке