1992 [60fps] Warriors of Fate 3Players Hardest Nomiss ALL

Описание к видео 1992 [60fps] Warriors of Fate 3Players Hardest Nomiss ALL

天地を喰らうII - 赤壁の戦い - / Warriors of Fate (World) Capcom 1992 ハーデスト設定 3P協力ノーミスクリア Player P21&もんちゃん&unknown_warrior 収録Ver DDEmeMAME0.37b16.98.4 1P P21(張飛) 2P もんちゃん(関羽) 3P unknown_warrior(魏延) 海外版の方が難しいと聞いたので、海外版を3人でチャレンジしてみました。張飛がボスをはめて関羽が雑魚を処理をするパターンでノーミス達成したので送ります。

Game replay site https://replayburners.blog.jp

天地を喰らうII - 赤壁の戦い -

システムボード:カプコン プレイシステムダッシュ(CPS DUSH)
CPU構成[68000, Z80] 音源チップ[QSound]


Warriors of Fate (c) 1992 Capcom Co., Ltd.

Shang-Lo, a country ruled by murder and violence under the iron fist of the dark lord Akkila-Orkhan. Having driven his own country into ruin and despair, Akkila-Orkhan now casts his covetous eyes on his neighboring countries. As his conquering shadow spread, one man rose up against this black tide. His name was Kuan-Ti, and with the aid of the five greatest warriors and the one wisest mind in his realm, Kuan-Ti would fight to defend his people and lands. The battle begins. A very good side-scrolling beat'em up.


Capcom Play System Hardware (CP-S)
[CP-S No. 23]

Main CPU : 68000 (@ 12 Mhz), Z80 (@ 8 Mhz)
Sound Chips : Q-Sound (@ 4 Mhz)

Players : 2 or 3
Control : 8-Way Joystick
Buttons : 2
= [1] Attack, [2] Jump


Warriors of Fate was released in October 1992.

This game is known in Japan as "Tenchi Wo Kurau II - Sekiheki no Tatakai [CP-S No. 23]" and in Asia as "Sangokushi II [CP-S No. 23]".

There are quite a few things that were changed or taken out between the original Japanese version (Tenchi wo Kurau II) and the World version (Warrior of Fates). They are listed as follows :
* After the bonus stage, a scene with the 3rd emperor making comments was cut.
* After the bonus stage, there was an additional conversation with the advisor and Kuan-Ti.
* All names in-game were accompanied by their kanji.
* All names were changed and aren't even properly translated from the originals.
* Before the bonus stage, there is a scene where Kuan-Ti is discussing with the 3rd emperor is cut.
* In stage 1, a short message from the advisor was taken out.
* In stage 1, the boss gave a short dialogue.
* In stage 3, during the opening the boss has a short dialogue.
* In stage 4, the boss had a short dialogue.
* In stage 5, Akkila-Orkhan has a short dialogue.
* In stage 5, the boss had a short dialogue.
* In stage 5, after killing the boss there is a long scene dealing with a woman and a baby that was completely cut.
* In stage 6, there were additional lines between the player and Kuan-Ti.
* In stage 8, a short message from the advisor was taken out.
* In stage 8, the boss has a short dialogue.
* In stage 9, a short message from the advisor was taken out.
* In stage 9, there was a conversation between player and the boss.
* In stage 9, you can select from 2 decisions which could determine which of 3 endings you would get.
* Some weapons were generalized in the World version.
* The demo opening and text is different giving more detail from the events that occurred in Tenchi o Kurau 1.
* The text 'Tekishou (boss name) uchiitotarii' was accompanied with the voice at the end of every stage (The enemy commander (boss name) has been killed!).


1. Dynasty Wars [CP-S No. 04] (1989)
2. Warriors of Fate [CP-S No. 23] (1992)


Planners : Noritaka Funamizu (Poo), Kin
Programmers : Domesan, Xor, Tsu-Zy, 34-Sakontz
Character Designers : Fukumoyan, Kyochan, Tenman, Tama Chan, Tanuki, Ball Boy (Ballboy), Mizumo, Yuusuke, Nonsuchi, Youjiro, Saotome, Kurata-N, Ume
Onnanoko Designer : Akira Yasuda (Akiman)
Sound : Masaki Izutani (T. Yomage), Toshio Kajino (Bull), Oyabun, Inu
Special Thanks : Akira Nishitani (Nin), James Goddard (DJames.), Alex Jimenez


Game's rom.


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