A Walkthrough of My Retro Computer Collection

Описание к видео A Walkthrough of My Retro Computer Collection

After a few years of collecting, repairing, setup, and playing, it's finally time to show off the bridge of my retro battleship!

0:00 -- Intro
1:00 -- Apple IIGS on a 1084 monitor w/ NEWPRINT virtual printer
3:30 -- TI-99/4a
4:00 -- GCE Vectrex
4:45 -- Commodore SX-64 w/ PI-1541/Epyx Fastload and Ultra Reset
6:50 -- Psion Series 5MX and Tandy TRS-80 Pocket Computer
7:30 -- Atari 130XE w/ FujiNet
9:00 -- BackBit Pro and various adapters
11:00 -- PAL Commodore 64C w/ SideKick 64 on NTSC 1902 monitor
12:50 -- Other Commodore 64 and 128 flat computers incl. CardCo Cardkey numeric keypad
14:34 -- 1541 dust cover from Printerboy.net
15:12 -- Aiwa Virtual Q-Sound speakers
16:10 -- MouSTer USB-DB9 joystick adapter
16:55 -- Some MasterTronic titles adorn the wall
17:00 -- Commodore 128D w/ RAD Expansion Unit running GEOS 128 MegaPatch 3.3 on 12MB RAM reloadable RAM drive
22:40 -- Windows PC for emulation
24:14 -- Meross smart switches and Alexa power control
25:43 -- Diskette archiving using SuperCard Pro
27:53 -- Mattel Intellivision II w/ Atari and speech modules, and LTO! Flash cart
29:41 -- Atari XEGS w/ SDrive Pro
30:39 -- Atari 2600 Jr
30:56 -- Coleco ADAM w/ 256K expansion, SGM, and FujiNet
34:35 -- Handspring Visor PDA
36:08 -- Software library (Long Live Adventure Software!!)

Music: Easy Lifestyle
Musician: Lesfm
URL: https://pixabay.com/music/-easy-lifes...


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