3 Things to Consider when buying an Air Purifier - Particle Sizes: Ultrafine, Fine, and Coarse

Описание к видео 3 Things to Consider when buying an Air Purifier - Particle Sizes: Ultrafine, Fine, and Coarse

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3 Things to Consider when buying an Air Purifier Particle Sizes Ultrafine, Fine, and Coarse

The vast majority of people I have consulted with through the years for air purification solutions have contacted me for guidance on purifiers that would help filter particles in the air like allergens, dust, mold, pet dander and things of this nature.

Therefore, we are going to go over the different particle sizes of some of the more common particles in the air that we breathe so we have a better understanding of what level of filtration we wish to attain in our environments. And there are 3 main takeaways from this information that I think people should take into consideration when they are analyzing the air purification options on the market. So lets get into it.

Air particles are oftentimes measured in size by microns. What is a micron? A micron is short for a micrometer (aka, micrometre or µm). And it is one millionth of a meter. There are 1,000 microns in a millimeter and 25,400 microns in an inch.

A human hair, on average, is about 70 microns in thickness or diameter - give or take 30 microns depending on the thickness. And as you know we can see a hair strand with our naked eyes.

The smallest objects that are visible to the naked human eye are 40 to 50 microns in size or diameter.. So we can see a single hair strand because it’s about 70 microns but if an object is smaller than 40 microns in size we cannot see it with just our eyes.

There are 3 different particle categories based on size ranges.

The largest particles in the air are called Coarse Particles and they are 2.5 microns in diameter to 100 microns. And since we can see particles that are 40 microns and larger - - we can actually see some of these particles. Examples of Coarse Particles can be Pollen or mold spores. Important: Coarse particles make up less than 1% of all the particles in the air we breathe. They may irritate our eyes, nose, and/or throat but they are not the most dangerous particles to humans. Our natural defenses do a better job of handling them than smaller particles.

The 2nd category of particles are called Fine Particles and they are .1 microns to 2.5 Microns in diameter and since we cannot see anything less than 40 microns - that means we cannot see these particles with the naked eye. Examples of Fine Particles are Household dust, Bacteria, and Dust mite allergens. Fine Particles make up ONLY about 9% of all the particles in the air we breathe. They can affect our eyes, nose, and throat like Coarse Particles - but since they are smaller - they can ALSO get into our lungs. So they are harder for our natural defense systems to deal with. In general, the smaller the particles are - the easier they are able to get into our bodies and they tend to delve deeper into our bodies, as well. And I also currently believe that A) smaller particles are harder for us to test for and B) Smaller particles are harder for air purifiers to take out of the air. Now, I’ve read some people say that this is not the case, however, I currently do not agree with them. The smaller the particle the harder it is to filter, in general. 3 Things to Consider when buying an Air Purifier Particle Sizes Ultrafine, Fine, and Coarse

The 3rd category of particles are called UltraFine Particles and they are .1 microns to .003 microns in size. Examples of these particles are Pet Dander - Tobacco Smoke and Viruses. Ultra Fine Particles comprise about 90% of all the airborne particles. So the OVERWHELMING VAST MAJORITY of particles in the air that we breathe are super small and they are small enough to pass through our lung tissue into our blood stream. They can affect our Eyes, Nose, Throat, and lungs, and they can also affect our heart, Brain, Kidneys and Liver. These Ultra Fine Particles are the most dangerous particles for humans.
3 Things to Consider when buying an Air Purifier Particle Sizes Ultrafine, Fine, and Coarse


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