Engineering manager interview - common questions and how to prepare

Описание к видео Engineering manager interview - common questions and how to prepare

Hi folks, welcome to Not Only Code!

Engineering manager interview process can differ a lot from company to company. In this video I'm sharing what are some common and less common questions and how to prepare when interviewing for engineering manager position.

🔗 Resources I mention in the video - a larger list of questions that I'll keep updating over time - "System design interview" (a book and a course) - "Grokking the system design interview", I didn't do this course but I've seen it being recommended by a number of people I follow - "The Software Engineering Manager Interview Guide", a short book with a large list of questions you might hear during the interview - "Designing data-intensive applications" - a great book that talks about well... large scale apps. It's quite useful in order to prepare for the system design interview

🎥 Timeline
0:00 developer interview vs manager interview
0:59 programming interview
02:20 system design interview
03:36 system design - how to prepare
05:30 team management interview
07:25 stakeholder management interview
08:20 management interview - how to prepare
11:05 general interview tips

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As always, if you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, you can contact me:
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🐦 Twitter: @GregoryWitek


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