Three Sounds - Silktone Fuzz

Описание к видео Three Sounds - Silktone Fuzz

For today’s Three Sounds reel we’re taking a look at the brand new Fuzz from @silktoneamps. Built from the classic fuzz face circuit, it’s tones are familiar, but with modern features that make it much more useable in most rigs.

It’s got your standard fuzz/vol knobs, which for this clip I’ve just left maxed to show powerful the extra controls are. The cleanup knob acts the same as rolling back on your guitar volume, giving you access to a range of fuzz/overdrive/pushed clean sounds, and the bias lets go from gated spitty tones to all out fuzz bliss. Paired with that bias knob is a patented active meter that lets you precisely monitor & dial in the sweet spot.

Flipping the switch from classic to raw will give you more headroom and bottom end. Lastly, an input debuffer allows this to sit anywhere in your chain.

Thanks Silktone for having me be a part of your release.

Signal Chain is:
@fendercustomshop Strat
@silktoneamps Fuzz
Silktone Amps Astro
@uaudio Ox


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