Unleashing Innovation in the Baking Industry | Episode 75 | BAKED in Science | BAKERpedia

Описание к видео Unleashing Innovation in the Baking Industry | Episode 75 | BAKED in Science | BAKERpedia

Success in today’s baking industry calls for more than just making bread or cake. It requires a broad range of knowledge in fields like food science, engineering, R&D, and packaging—to name a few. Cross-training in these areas to expand skills allows bakers to take advantage of new opportunities and trends in the market.

So what should you focus on in today’s world of food? To help share the big picture of the baking industry, two seasoned experts and Certified Master Bakers join host Mark Floerke in this episode.

Richard Charpentier has over 35 years of extensive bakery experience in snacks and breads. Classically trained as a French baker and Certified Master Baker, he has gone on to include bakery science, grain milling and food history in his repertoire. Richard spent years working in the industry for retail bakeries and large CPG Brands, leading Research and Development teams. He is currently the CEO of Baking Innovation, finding practical uses for emerging innovations and technologies.

Peter Jacobs is a highly skilled RBA Certified Master Baker with over 40 years of baking experience. His passion for baking began in Europe in the ‘80s and has grown to include expertise in bread, bun, cake, and pastry production efficiencies. Peter uses his experience in the bakery and food production industry at his company, The Bakers Workshop, to consult clients in product development, production-line application, economic production efficiencies, formula development, and mentoring recruits.

Listen to the full episode on BAKERpedia: https://t2m.io/5pYTyWgb

Want to explore the product innovation process? Learn more here: https://t2m.io/2KV6s35F

Curious to check out other BAKED in Science episodes? View them all here: https://t2m.io/szkPvgzD

Need help with your product? Talk to one of our bakery consultants: https://t2m.io/mUk6PdHf

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