[New] Don Rickles on Jay Leno 5/20/1997

Описание к видео [New] Don Rickles on Jay Leno 5/20/1997

Don Rickles' unearthed 9th appearance on Jay Leno's Tonight Show, May 20, 1997. Contains segments by himself and then with Laura Leighton from Melrose Place.

In my previous compilation (   • "We're Gonna Get You A New Jaw"- Don ...  ) this had not been uploaded yet and was unavailable, now that makes 3 Don Rickles appearances on Leno that have yet to be available on the internet (2/10/95, 12/13/95, and 2/10/96).

As far as Rickles on Leno goes, this one is pretty good.
All credit to TheSteffovic for uploading the full episode 2 months ago, where I got this from.


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