Hijab Series Pt 1: My Journey | Why I Decided to Wear the Hijab!

Описание к видео Hijab Series Pt 1: My Journey | Why I Decided to Wear the Hijab!


welcome to this deeply personal story as i share some small moments that changed everything. 🌟

from the impact of a simple youtube video to the wisdom of my nani's advice on being regular with prayer. I am so excited to tell you all about the transformative night i prayed tahajjud for the first time, and everything else that helped me with this decision.

thank you for coming back here

00:00 Introduction
00:23 Finding Inspiration
01:42 Sharing Personal Experiences
04:15 Pre-Decision Feelings
07:46 Tahajjud
09:34 Wearing it for the First Time
10:52 Reactions from Family and Friends
14:13 Impact on My Life and Identity


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