Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Final Confrontation with Eothas and an Ending

Описание к видео Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - Final Confrontation with Eothas and an Ending

The finale with meeting Eothas in Ukaizo and destroying the Wheel of reincarnation in Eora plus the ending slides from my playthrough where all the factions continue fighting each other since I ignored them and went to Ukaizo alone. I also did not explore as much as I expected I would and largely ignored Neketaka. My somewhat rushed playthrough was largely to see what the ending slides were to start working to do playthroughs for a very positive and very negative set of endings (as I did with Pillars of Eternity).

Unfortunately, it seems some of the ending slides are currently bugged much like the imported history from PoE1 is bugged. I advised Eder to avoid Xoti so I am somewhat surprised to see them get together. Also, Kana Rua was dead in this playthrough (I used a slightly modified version of the "Everything Bad" preset to have the returning PoE1 characters show up as I learn the conditions for getting bad endings for them), so it seems odd Maia is looking forward to seeing her brother since her ending doesn't suggest she's intending to commit suicide.

This also feels like a somewhat incomplete ending. It doesn't look like Eothas can be stopped in breaking the Wheel and unlike a game like Planescape: Torment, there isn't all that amazing a set of dialogue options for the finale (which you'd think would be the focus for a finale where fighting won't work). But there may be stuff I'm missing or perhaps more options will be opened with the DLC.

Still, this has been a fun ride but now the real fun of thoroughly exploring the world and trying different endings begins!


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