Is My Name Written There (Weekly Hymn Project)

Описание к видео Is My Name Written There (Weekly Hymn Project)

Today's hymn is "Is My Name Written There". I did some looking up on "the book of life" in scripture and was reminded of some passages that speak about name's being written down (Exodus 32:31-33, Luke 10:20, Revelation 3:5, and Revelation 20:15). It is really quite a fascinating study. I think Moses speaking to God and asking that his name be blotted out of the book is one of the most staggering to me. That Moses knew of a book where names are recorded and that God replied back to confirm such and also that each person's responsible for his own sin; "Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book." The people sinned against the Lord and sought their own way. Instead may we heed what Malachi 3:16 says, "Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, and the Lord gave attention and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord and who esteem His name."


Lord, I care not for riches, neither silver nor gold
I would make sure of Heaven, I would enter the fold
In the book of thy Kingdom, with its pages so fair.
Tell me, Jesus, my Saviour, is my name written there?

Is my name written there,
On the page white and fair?
In the book of thy Kingdom,
Is my name written there?

Lord, my sins they are many, like the sands of the sea,
But thy blood, O my Saviour, is sufficient for me;
For thy promise is written in bright letters that glow
Though your sins be as scarlet, I will make them like snow.

O that beautiful city with its mansions of light,
With its glorified beings in pure garments of white;
Where no evil thing cometh to despoil what is fair;
Where the angels are watching, yes, my name's written there.

Yes, my name’s written there,
On the page white and fair,
In the book of thy Kingdom,
Yes, my name’s written there.

Words by: Mary A. Ridder
Music by: Frank M. Davis


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