Cybernetics - The Art of Steersmanship

Описание к видео Cybernetics - The Art of Steersmanship

It sounds more spectacular than it is. Cybernetics is about cause, effect and feedback to help you navigate through the realm of chaos. In modular, this is often translated to patching outputs back to inputs. However, this is not the full story about feedback systems. You'll also need to find a way to control it. In a simple system, you'd be tweaking the attenuators yourself. A true cybernetic system is a lot like a generative patch, but the difference is the ability to steer itself. To settle and find a balance. Todd Barton's Aleph patch is one of the great examples that come to mind.

This technique is also used in machine learning, the foundation of artificial intelligence. In this patch, I'll use Autopilot in a new creative way. Since it's designed to settle at A440 so your VCO is in tune, you can also make it settle a chaotic system. While you can't 'tune' chaos, you can make it find a sweetspot. I'd like to call it the eye of the hurricane.


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