Installing a BEE package | The QUEEN released | Our bees absconded

Описание к видео Installing a BEE package | The QUEEN released | Our bees absconded

Watch to the end to see what happened to our bees!

We installed our first bee package today into our flow hive brood box. It is early in the season so I added sugar water to the bottom tray - 2 parts sugar, 1 part warm water to dissolve.

You want to situate your hive so the entrance for the bees is facing south and in an area that gets sun 6-8 hours a day.

We realized after starting the process the best way to get the bees in there is to really shake them out and give the box a few good knocks on the hive to allow them to come out quickly.

The Queen bee can be identified by being much longer compared to the worker and drone bees. The drone bees have the big eyes. I Initially had a hard time trying to identify the Queen.

Then the bees absconded - they left for unknown reason. So now to start over with a Nuc package next!


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