Reel to Reel guitar tube amp AM57

Описание к видео Reel to Reel guitar tube amp AM57


Magnetofoi zahar batekin egindako balbulatako kitar anplifikagailua / Tube guitar amplifier whit old reel to reel magnetophone

Magnetofoi zahar baten errautsetatik jaiotako kitarrarentzako anplifikagailua: Konpondo eta zenbait modifikazio egin ondoren, hona hemen emaitza: Balbulatako 3Wko anplifikagailua , egoera gehienetarako nahikoa. Kontrol bakarrarekin, bolumenarena, soinu paleta zabala lortu dezakezu, soinu garbi eta krematsuetatik soinu zakar eta pisutsuetaraino. Zuen pedalekin beti bilatu duzuen distortsio hori!
Modelo diferenteak ditut probatzeko. Bota pribatu bat eta geldituko gara Amorotoko MUSIKORTA estudioan.

On sale!
Tube guitar amplifier, reborn from the ashes of an old tape recorder. After restoring and modifying it, here is the result: A 3W tube amp, enough power for most situations. With just one control, the volume control, you can achieve a huge palette of "colors", from clean and creamy sounds to distorted, fat and angry sounds. It is the distortion that you have always sought with your pedals!
I have different models. If you want more information or you want to try it in my MUSIKORTA studio in Amoroto (Bizkaia), contact me and we'll fix it.


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