The White Deer – Thomas Doss

Описание к видео The White Deer – Thomas Doss

The Legend of Knight Maldix vom Litermont

Mitropa Concertwork Series - Grade 4 – Duration : 12:15

Performed by The Royal Symphonic Band of the Belgian Air Force and its conductor Commander Matty Cilissen

This composition for concert band was commissioned by Orchesterverein Wadgassen e. V. (Saarland/Germany) and its conductor Holger Jakobs. Thomas Doss has depicted the legend of the knight Maldix vom Litermont, a fierce hunter and an excessive drinker who, despite the warnings of his mother, was killed during a driven hunt in the woods, in a magnificent way. With the portrayal of various characters, the work offers a lot of variation.

2251-24-010 M


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