إيه هي ال content planوإزاي اعملها؟

Описание к видео إيه هي ال content planوإزاي اعملها؟

الحلقة رقم 22من كورس تعلم كتابة المحتوى التسويقي ال
Copywriting خاصة في المجال الطبي.

ليؤهلك ك Professional Medical copywriter

About me:

one career is not enough for my passion, besides being a recently graduated doctor from kasr el ainy medical school, I am a passionate copywriter and copywriter trainer.

Social media specialist and copywriter trainer at MDink Academy.

Head of the Marketing team at MDink.

-More than 2 years of experience in marketing and copywriting.

Copywriter for many clinics.

-Trained more than 120 trainees.

My message:

Make learning copywriting available for all and make it easy.



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