Staining a Guitar With Crimson Guitars Stains and Oils - Burst Effect

Описание к видео Staining a Guitar With Crimson Guitars Stains and Oils - Burst Effect

This is a video of my first attempt to stain a guitar - bit nervous as I had visions of irretrievably messing up the body I'd made. To minimise this, I watched a shedload of tutorials and other people's videos.

I used Crimson Guitars stains and oils as they seem to be the norm. I used only black and red, mainly because I was too stingy to shell out for a third colour, but with hindsight, a bit of yellow in the middle wouldn't have gone amiss.

Just to confirm...

- Crimson Guitars: Stunning Stain - Cherry Red
- Crimson Guitars: Stunning Stain - Black
- Crimson Guitars Penetrating Guitar Finishing Oil
- Crimson Guitars High-Build Guitar Finishing Oil

In the end I'm pretty happy with how it turned out (despite a bit of an unsightly glue line down the centre...) I'm not saying this is the best/only way to do it, but it seemed to work for me. Good luck.


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