Why People QUIT Drakensang Online | Fresh 100 LVL Warrior Experience | Great Desert Bloodshed

Описание к видео Why People QUIT Drakensang Online | Fresh 100 LVL Warrior Experience | Great Desert Bloodshed

If you care for drakensang, please read the description (till the end) and let me know your thoughts in the comments.

As the title says, the video (plus this description) shows MY opinion why many people would choose to stop playing Drakensang after reaching lvl 100.

Upon reaching the level cap, the "true game experience" starts. Well, to build a solid strong character nowadays in the fastest/ideal/most comfortable way, you should do these 4 things:

grab the highest level gear asap = meaning you need to farm PW Bloodshed long enough to obtain all the specific Uniques and Set items you desire,

transfer as-close-to-maximum value-as-possible enchantments to desired items (99 or 100%)= this is NOT POSSIBLE for quite a while, because first you need to craft 10 greens, then 15 blues, 20 purples and lastly 30 legendaries (to obtain the recipe for enchantment transfer and please note that all of these crafts i didnt want to do but each player is FORCED to do it because if you dont, there is absolutely no chance you can be even remotely strong) and this costs Glyphs. Till i became 100, i was melting 95% of the gear i obtained, so all the glyphs I farmed till level 100 HAVE TO be wasted and you still need to farm some more. This is absolutely ridiculous.

farm gems, runes, jewels and dust till oblivion. Stronger gems, stronger character. When Dark Legacy brought the change that each item can now hold 10 gems, items´ importance have greatly reduced. It doesnt really matter what base stats your item has, as long as you have strong enough gems....bringing in the trapezoid and higher qualities was a grave mistake.

collect wisdom as fast as you can till you reach atleast 260lvl when you already have most of the useful bonuses.

So, how can you get better as a 100lvl fresh noobie? Get a good guild/bunch of strong friends who will boost you. There is no other way without going insane. You can see at my average gear level, that i was fortunate to join a guild with good, willing and helpful people and we farmed PW merciless for few hours. Even with the current gear, i can comfortably farm maximum Painful. Even on painful mode mobs are just too resilient.

...and dont mistake this for some pointless rambling. I have played Drakensang since 2012. I have already built up characters to being strong. I have endured many INTO OBLIVION level nerfs to the ground over history of drakensang. They usually come as "patches" or "rebalancing" but its always the same, THEY want YOU to rebuild and rebuild and rebuild again and again and again. But guess what, eventually, everyone´s patience runs out and they quit the game to find a place where unfairness doesnt exist, or at least it is present to a lesser degree.

Thank you for you patience.


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